Atelier afrobraz

An atelier is a space dedicated to artistic practice, creation and experimentation. A place where ideas and talents converge, the Atelier is often the place where artists bring their art to life, shaping and perfecting it.

The Atelier is the artist's sanctuary.

"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together." – James Cash Penney

"Our mission: to create a place where from the moment you arrive, you know exactly what to expect."

The founder

François KB, better known by his pseudonym Buscapé, graduated in Economics who discovered his love for Brazilian culture during an immersion course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Holder of the title of Contra-Mestre in capoeira and first-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Buscapé has dedicated himself for over a decade to inspiring others through the teaching of capoeira. With 23 years' experience, he has shared his knowledge in Brazil, France, Côte d'Ivoire and Canada.

Driven by the values of sharing instilled by his martial arts practice, Buscapé has established Atelier Afrobraz, an initiative dedicated to artistic creation and personal development through the martial arts. The Atelier's vision is to provide a space where everyone, whatever their age, ability or condition, can evolve to reach the best version of themselves.

With an MBA from HEC Montréal, Buscapé is also involved in organizational transformation, and is the founder of the Afrobraz Project. This project aims to support underprivileged young people, giving them the opportunity to achieve their dreams through high-level sport.